Singular Purpose

This may not be the best of all possible universes but it may well prove to be one of the simplest.”

Werner Heisenberg 

           Here we are¹,


        or here I am I should say, 

             writing down my account of what 

                    happened, just as your MEN IN 

                    BLACK agents asked of me, 

but I must warn you: 

                        I probably don’t have the 

                        answers you’re seeking.

            You, most likely, know far more                         than I do,                     afterall,                         you’re the ones         who found                         us;                                 found us                         sprawled out             in the middle                                 of that desert,                    lying                    peacefully upon the ground, 

which by that time had been littered                     with our telescopes,                 cameras,                 food, and     whatever else we brought 

                                        — so take all of this as 

                                                                        you will.

        Some time between midnight and two 

a.m., my friends, Gabrielle, Michael, and 

Raphael, and myself, of course, decided to 

take a special trip, in more ways than one, 

out in the desolate, yet beautiful Nevada 

desert, around the technological Narnia 

known as Area 51; a place that exists 

simply to not exist.

















Gabrielle and Michael started a campfire, 

            while I helped Raphael unpack our 

            ‘goodies,’ settling in for the night’s 


Now, I may sound redundant for 

            repeating what those ‘goodies’ were, 

            but there is a near infinite chance 

            that you could have actually 

            forgotten, so allow me to save you 

            some trouble with a quick rundown: 

                            a baggie of pot, 

                            some LSD, 

                            magic mushrooms, 

        and the most potent substance of all —           


a half dozen boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts.

Once everything was set 

                                                   in its proper place, 

I began to scan the distant horizon 

                                        for that tangible illusion 

of a base, Area 51, 

                    using one of our many telescopes; 

scanning, searching, praying, 

            awaiting to see the sort of thing 

            one hopes to see in a place  like 

            this, but never truly expects  to 

         F           I           N           D.








By this time, 

it had become 

quite apparent that 

my friends had 

begun to kiss 

and make out 

with our illustrious 

fifth member, the 

ever sensuous, Mary-Jane, 

and had begun 

to ‘enhance’ and 

‘enchant’ our donuts 

with magic; all 

of this was 

sprinkled with a 

healthy dose of 

talk and banter 

regarding the nature 

of                              the Chosen One.

                        ‘If you are     truly chosen 

                        out of freewill,’   Michael 

                        began, ‘then one’s destiny 

                        is not set in stone,  and it 

                        can     always be changed, 

                        including             being the 

                        so-called     Chosen One.’

        Gabrielle, naturally, had a different point of view, ‘There really isn’t a choice for anyone,’ she said dreamily, ‘everything is set in stone when you get down to the core of everything; infinite paths, same destination, same monumental moments and events, all hitting the same marks, just not in that order…²’

            The two of them 

            continued to ramble on 

            about this and that, 

            while Raphael leaned closer 

            to me, mumbling under his breath, 

‘How can something                     be a choice 

through freewill if the                 choices are 

given to you?’ He sighs                 heavily 

before stealing another                 kiss from 

Mary-Jane. ‘It’s all just                 chaos until 

you do something.’ I                    simply shrug 

my shoulders in                             silence before 

returning to my                             telescopic 







                            party like a heavy 

                                woolen blanket. The 

                                        only sources of 

                                    light came from 

                    our campfire, the soft, 

                        hazy glow of the 

                            mysterious military base off 

                in the distance, and the 

                                clear, star-filled sky; not 

                        a moon in sight. The 

                            silence was not to last 

        long, though, as spouts of 

    giggles and snickers arose from 

                                                        behind me. 

I turned to face my comrades; 

my expression relaying the question: 

                                    What’s going on?

        At first, only             more uncontrolled 

        laughter                         answered my 

        questioning                 look, until Gabrielle 

        was able to                 compose herself 

        enough to                     ask me a question 

        in return.

‘Do you know 

where magic 


grow?’ she said, 

laughing between 


                                                        I shook my head 

                                                                  in response. 

They. Grow. On. Cow. Turds,’ she managed to continue, still snickering between syllables. I raise a dubious eyebrow, channeling my inner-Spock towards the three of them. ‘Where do you think the phrase ‘that’s good shit’ comes from‽” 

With                         this,         they     all                     lost         their                    composure     once         again,             tumbling    down     in                                     fits                             of                    joyous                     laughter.

            ‘Hey, hey — maybe that’s why the 

Hindus think cows are holy!’ interjected 



was all Michael could say 

in response, his voice a 

sudden whisper of 

revelation, his 

own eyes 




and wonder, as 

if he had just stumbled 

upon the greatest secret in the universe.

                ‘EXACTLY!’ the other two shout 

                                in unison, both at the 

                                    revelation and pun 

                                            Michael had 



                                                     for all 

                                                    three to erupt in a 

                                            volcanic explosion of 

                                    shouts, hoots, hollars, and 

                           more laughter; a near delirious 

                    state of euphoria in the 

            enlightenment they had discovered.

                    ‘I know where Heaven is!’ 

                                hooted Michael. 

                           ‘It’s in a cow’s butt!’ 

                              answered Raphael

            ‘And McDonald’s is the antiChrist!’

                             Gabrielle added on. 

                    Their happiness 

                    made me wonder 

                                if this 

                    is why everyone 

                            laughs the 

                    first time they 

                take mushrooms.³ 

In the end, everything they said made 

                                    some sort of weird sense. 

                                    In fact — it made 

                                    complete and total sense.

Suddenly, something that I can only 


                                                                    as a 

                                                        flaming stealth 

                                            pancake shot out of 

                    Area 51, like some kind of reverse 

                    shooting star; 

                    splitting the                     black starry 

                                                                sky in its 


exposing sights  ★                ★    and visions 

from   ★        ★         ★                          afar; the 

furthest                        ★           ★         reaches of 

                                                                   the cosmos 


                                                beyond; making 

                                    right angled turns on a 



                                            pitching, yawing, and 

                        barreling all over, performing 

            Escher-esque maneuvers in the cool 

Nevada air, before slowing down and 

    coming to a stop; a serene halt, landing 

        right in front of us; 

                    in front of our sweaty hands and 

                        trembling knees; in front of our 

                                wide eyes and gaping jaws, 

                                yet in                         that very 

                                moment,                 all I could 

                                            think of was 

                ‘I hope no one noticed that I pissed my pants.’

A horrific         excitement filled         the air 

as the         craft stood         before us, 

with its         soft glowing         yellow and 

golden lights,         spanning out         like the 

fingers of         a new         dawn. Right 

before us,         blooming like         a rose, 

opened a                                     circular aperture,

revealing the         shadowy interior         of the 

craft. Then, a being, straight out of the 

X-Files,                                                     appeared 

in the                     threshold,                 looking 

like                             some                     kind of 

hairless                 blue-green             Jackie 

Chan,                         with                     deep, 

sunken                 little beady             coal-like 

eyes, and                 a mouth             that 

resembled                 a severe             papercut more                                                         than 

                                anything else. 

                The most peculiar aspect of all 

            was the overwhelming stench of 

            vanilla pancakes that had been left 

            out a little too long in the sun, and 

            that this being, this E.T., was 

            wearing a three-piece suit. Pretty 

            snazzy for a space creature, if you ask 


                Then the X-Files being began to 

            approach is; maybe I should clarify, it: 

            E.T., didn’t so much as walked, but 

            rather floated on over, like an 

            apparition in slow motion, its 

            movement like that of something out 

            of THE MATRIX; you remember that 

            film, right? Whatever, it doesn’t 


Onwards it 

                        hovered until 

                                                    it was right in 

                                                    front of us, in 

                                                    front of me. My 

                                                    body shivered and 

                                                    shook, yet 


                I managed 

to stay my ground 

and kept myself 

upright on my feet.

                            E.T. then proceeded to reach 

            out with its lanky arms; it opened up 

            its triple digit hand (three fingered 

            for you lay-persons) to reveal four 

            orange slices, or at least I thought 

            they were oranges. For all I know, 

            they could have been anything, yet 

            before ‘stranger danger‘ could finish 

            flashing in my mind, I found my 

            mouth full and gleefully chewing on 

            the orange slices.

I turned back to                 face my 

companions,                         only to find 

them down on                     the desert earth, 

lying in various                     awkward 

positions. Passed                 out or dead, I 

couldn’t really                     tell, but for some 

queer reason,                         I didn’t seem to 

care at the time.                     I suspected that 

the orange slice                     had something to 

do with that,                         and that it had 

ceased my                                 trembling at this 


With a sudden

 and abrupt swiftness 

which I could not fully catch, 

E.T. lifted                                         and pointed 

one of its skeletal                     fingers at my 

face, opening the                 miniscule mouth 

on its face as wide as         it could possibly 

go. I expected to hear     a scream, or tell, or 

some sort of unearthly voice in an alien 

tongue, yet nothing     of the kind arrived. 

Instead, a booming         voice, like a 

thousand                                         thunderous 

gods and                                                 goddesses 

        harkening at once, echoed through my 

            mind, sending thousands of needles 

                                through my heart.

                            ‘YOU ARE THE 

                    CHOSEN ONE!’ 

                                   proclaimed E.T., 

                            ‘YOU ARE THE 

                  ONE WHO WILL 

                     DELIVER THE 

                MESSAGE TO THIS 


              A MESSAGE OF HOPE 

                   FOR THOSE WHO 

              CHOOSE TO HEAR IT; 

                   AND A WARNING 

                         FOR THOSE 

                     WHO DO NOT!

            I meekly pointed a finger 

    at myself, mouthing in silence 

    my one-word question: ‘Me?’ 

    Me, I think to myself; me, with 

    some serious concern; E.T. chose 

    me, out of all possible people — 

    E.T. chose me, and I didn’t even 

    graduate from highschool. 

            Needless to say, I was completely 

    dumbfounded and awe-struck by the 

    notion, like a deer stuck in the 

    headlights of an intergalactic big rig.

Why did I get chosen

                                        I continued to ponder 

                                        to myself; none of it 

                                        made any sense to me, 


            E.T. continued 

                        to stare at me with 

                                        its somniferous marble 

                        eyes, as it inquired 

            for my name with 

its thoughts. I just 

            stared back at the X-Files 

                        being, not knowing how to 

                                        react to the request, or, 

                        more importantly, 

            how E.T. would 

react to my answer.

                            So I took a risk, 






                                                            both my 

                                                            hands slowly, 

                                                            I signed my 


Now it was                                E.T.’s turn to be 

dumbfounded                         as it tilted it’s 

bulbous head                             to one side in 

confusion,                                 clearly unable to understand                             what I had just 

done. E.T.                                 once again spoke 

into my mind,                         this time asking 

why I did not                         speak like the 

others, and                             like before, I 

responded in                         kind, answering 

with the use                             of my hands, 

sketching             invisible             symbols 

in the air between us; 











                                                                    my fingers 

like a mad wizard,                 only to receive the                     same                    confused, tilted head                         stare from                 E.T.


                    For a while, nothing happened             between us as we lingered in the cool             Nevada desert. A small, gentle breeze             blew on by as the pancake ship stood             as a taciturn witness to the dust devils             swirling here and there, making it             seem like we were in some kind of             B-Movie Sci-Fi fantasy Western             shootout, starring a cybernetic John             Wayne and a two thousand year old             Clint Eastwood, as a lo-fi rendition of             The Ecstacy of Gold played in the             background. All that was missing were             the tumbleweeds and sombreros.

The silence didn’t last for long,                             however,                 as E.T.’s brow             furrowed,                 raising its hand to its enormously                             smooth forehead, then slid             it                 down its         face in     an overly                 exaggerated             fashion, like             some                kind of animated                                                     character from the         LooneyToons:                                                 the truth of the 

                                                matter had finally 

                                                dawned upon the 

                                                intergalactic visitor.

                           ‘YOU FOOLS!‘ 

                                    bellowed E.T. 

                                    in what felt 

                                       like every 

                                    frequency of 


                as it spun around to face its ship 

                and, I assume, its fellows within. 

                All the while, I cowered at the 

                sound of its voice, covering my 

                ears to dull the grandness of the 

                alien voice, not that it made any 

                            difference in the end.

                    ‘THE CHOSEN ONE 

                        IS A MUTE!‘ 

                    E.T. bowed its head and shook it 

        from side to side in utter 

disappointment. Dejected, 

        it began to make its way back 

                    towards the flaming stealth 

        pancake spaceship. As it entered the 

doorway, E.T. looked back at me 

        and shook its head once more.

                        ‘I AM SORRY WE 

               DISTURBED YOUR 


                the X-Files being said solemnly and 

    apologetically, and featuring towards my 

    friends, though its vice still rumbled 

    through my mind like a storm; 

    continued it went, swallowed up by the 

    reverse-blooming flower door, and 

    disappearing within. The ship soon 

    lifted off and shot off into the night sky, 

    leaving a wake of blue light.

                                                    Next thing I knew, 

                                                    I was waking up 

                                                    to find myself 

                                                    here, surrounded 

                                                    by your 

    MEN IN BLACK agents. 

                    According to them, 

                                I had been slipping in 

                                and out of consciousness 

                                for several days (‽)

                                requesting nothing but 

                                oranges, vanilla pancakes, 

                                and Krispy Kreme donuts.

            My head spun like an out of control 

            gyroscope, all I wanted to do was go 

            back to sleep,                             but your 

                                                                    people are 


                                        persistent as 

                        summertime mosquitos; 

asking me a million variations of the same 

singular question with the same singular 

purpose: to annoy me.

                Not the answer             you’re looking 

                        for, I’m sure,         don’t worry, 

                        I’m asking             myself the same 

                        question;                 one thing’s for 

                        certain:                     I don’t have to 


                                                        whether or not 

                                                        my encounter 

                                                        really happened, 

                                                        or even if you 

                                                        believe me — I 

                                                        know something 

                                                        is up, because 

                                                        why else would 

                                                        you be 



You know it happened, 

but that’s not what you 

want to know, is it? No, 

you want the message.

                            What was the message?

                    To be honest, I don’t remember, 

I didn’t exactly write it down,            you see; 

    it wasn’t a part of my agenda that night; 

            and neither was the burden of 

                    being the Chosen One, 

                            so forgive me if 

            I don’t have an answer for you. 

I don’t even know 

where   to     begin 

when    it     comes 

to     what        that 

message        could 

have               been, 

                            but I will say this: 

                            McDonald’s is the antiChrist

                            Maybe that’s the message I’m 

                            supposed to share with the 

                            world at large.

                Regardless, all of this 

                writing has built up 

                my appetite, and I 

                think you know what 

                I’m craving right now, 

                cause some oranges, 

                vanilla pancakes, and a 

                box of Krispy Kreme 

                donuts sounds just 

                                            heavenly right now.



¹ •This tale was loosely inspired by the song Rosetta Stoned by the band TOOL, off of their 2006 album, 10,000 Days, as well as a prompt from a few years back simply called ‘Voice.’ Getting this posted was spurred on by the persistent (and stupid) notion about raiding Area 51. I still believe, if there’s any that needs to be raided by its people, it’s the government offices, and removing the trouble makers who dare to hinder progress.

² • Obviously, there was more to this conversation, but I doubt there’s enough space in all of space to contain the discussion they had.

³ • This little segment was taken from a bit by the late comedian, Bill Hicks.

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