
I lay awake on my bed at someĀ 

          unknown hour during some 

          unknown night in some 

          unknown room within some 

          unknown house upon an 

          unknown land that I do not wish to know. 

                                  Time was irrelevant 

for that moment of memory if it can be called that. 

Everything was jumbled 


              the                                     past, 

                                             the             present, 

                            and the future — 

                   all of this has happened, 

was                                                     happening, 

                              and was still going to happen. 

                                                   My mind wandered through the darkness 

of the ceiling above, 

a spattered sky that traced patterns, 

both real and imaginary upon the wood,                              plaster,                                   steel,                                    and plastic                              of its structure;                                                of its nature,                                      but like the time,                                      what it was composed of didnā€™t matter.                                      My mind trekked off in its own  

             directionless                                  direction, 

a driverless car                       with a brick 















and crashing through the walls of caution before coming to a soaking halt within a placid river, drowning and stewing in its self-delivered despair, requesting nor accepting any assistance from anyone or anything.

The walls inched 

                               closer                            and closer 

with every blink              of my irritated eyes,                          constraining every                breath I take,                     which caused my midnight                  blue sheets                              to tighten 








My mind screamed desperately to get out, wanting to escape from the millions                 upon millions of thoughts that                               roamed within, thoughts both gross                                    and mundane,                             diabolical and sublime, and                                           everything in between, twisting and                                    turning through the endless labyrinth                             of neurons that form the brain, the home,                            and prison of the mind; where                          everything is known and unknown;                      a collision of reality and fantasy; where                the borders and boundaries between book                 and reader dissolve.

                    This much                  I knew and am certain of, yet the mind                          did not have the capability to carry                out its wishes, the body refused to obey the                 mindā€™s demands. More so, the body knew                  that it will become nothing without              the mind. The bodyā€™s rebellion is in              the self-interest of its self-preservation.             But the mind is not so easily defeated. It cried       and wailed like a bottleless infant until it has satisfied             every one of its needs by                                  any means necessary.

                                    By this time 

                              I felt like my mind 

                                would never rest 

                  and I prepared myself to give in 

                         to the insomnia ahead. 

                      My eyelashes suddenly felt 

                    as if they were made of lead, 

            pulling my eyelids shut and sweeping 

                me down the undertow of sleep. 

                              My prayer of rest 

                            had been answered 

   and I thought that I could finally be at peace…

                                      I couldnā€™t have been more wrong.

                                                      As the dream world came over me,                                           I found myself lying                   on a deserted beach                                  in the middle of the night with                                    only the moon in             the naked sky:                                 no clouds, no stars, just the haunting                              white moonlight reflecting shards                                 of ivory on the                          bladed tips                       of every inky wave.                              Waves that                        crept closer and                         closer to where                I lay. I tried to get                      up and away from the                                                       blackened waters that threatened to lap at my feet, but my body refused to comply. I could feel the deathly waters gradually kissing my legs, leaving behind gooseflesh upon my skin. As the cycle of freezing water and desolate wind washed over me, I could sense that something was terribly wrong.

                                              I strained my head 











































               I continued to feel the waters crashing over                   me, changing me, enveloping me with their                  liquid shadows. I sensed my skin being peeled                  off, shed from the entity that I once was, like a                        snake molting its scales, revealing the                     monstrosity underneath. The waves began to                       caress my chest, submerging my arms, and                           transmuting them into some sort of multi-                 appendaged limbs, oily black and                               stick-like, each of which appeared to be                                     covered in thorns.

                           The serrated    waters were soon                        crashing over my head as I felt my      eyes melt within their sockets, yet a cursed miracle        remained: my vision stayed; milky and distorted.          My limbs kicked and began to dig into the         queer         sands of this indescribable        beach,            trying to claw away from the cold     ebon waves,          twisting and twisted, flailing         and              flailed, each contorted wildly as if they all     had    minds               of their own; their own need for self-                        preservation. Suddenly, all turned black, blacker than anything I had                            ever seen. A grand absence of light that pure darkness                            didnā€™t even come close to                      describing what I did not see. I could                  still sense                     the waters washing over me, changing me, forming                              me, transforming me,                       morphine me,                  sending curious                                sensations throughout my being as terror consumed me then.

I sprang forth from my slumber, 

wide awake with terror, 

a terror from the deepest shadows of my mind, 

covered in the sweat of a dozen people. 

My breath came in increasingly rapid 

and shallow gasps, 

my mouth opening and closing 

like a fish drowning 

on the deck of a ship. 

Darkness still filled my sight, 

yet in the distance, 

I could glimpse at vague slashes of light, 

sharp blades of illumination 

which cut through the umbral void, 

the shrouded fog of my restless thoughts, 

tearing what remained of my sanity 

to shreds 

until nothing remained 

but my body and my thoughts. 

But I do not see what you see, 

                                                                                              dear readerā€¦

O — yes, I know you are reading this: staring at your screen the same screen with the cobweb of cracks growing from the corner, tracing over every stroke of every letter, following the words along like a trail of crumbs out from the dreaded forests of doom and into the safety and salvation of your apps, newsfeeds, and social interactions, but you are trapped here — trapped just like me, for it watches you, 

O — yes — it watches you just as it watched me on that despicable beach. It lives between the spaces between words, between letters, between the lines that separate everything from everything else.                          I do not see what you see,                            our visions are not the same,                             the lights are all askew,                                         the colors nameless beyond recognition,                                       edges and shapes are blurred and distorted;                                                                                                               shadows danced, freely                                             and disjointed from their sources.                                           The worst of all was the smell: 



                                             terrifyingly rotten. 

                            Something dredged up from the deepest wells 

                                                              of history, of time immemorial.

Something had happened, 

                   something that I cannot explain. 

                            I wouldnā€™t know where to begin, 

                               so donā€™t think I could help you 

                                     once you figure out 

                      what is truly happening here, 

                                                 but the shadows, 

O — the shadows, they have changed me. 

                                They washed up and over me, 

                      consumed my being, 

                and digested out something else, 

something unknown.                           In spite of the hungry terror 

                      that gnawed at the floor of my stomach, 

                          assisted by nausea from who knows where 

                          that had clawed its way up 

                                       my esophagus 

                                     and            evacuated 

                                   the air              from my 

                                      lungs in             the process, 

                                             leaving me desiccated 

                                                          from the inside out.

My body screamed to move,                          just as yours is silently doing now, and just like yours, my parts                        refused to move. You, on the other hand, donā€™t                                       know that you should move. I simply lay in a sickly sweet                      puddle of sick and sweat, soaked in my own disgust as I ponder                     if youā€™ll ever see it coming,                      sense it arriving, stretching up and over you, little by little.

                                             What happened here? 

                                              What have I become? 

                                            What will you become? 

              My bones felt like they                         belonged to someone else, no — something else.                   Muscles tangled and                   reshaped with inhuman ability,                 veins that pumped battery                 acid,                                                  corroding the walls of my reality, the walls of                                 these letters and words, the screen that separates you from I;                              veins that pumped an angry blood from a time                                                                              before time.

Am I dying? 

If this was what dying felt like, 

let it end quickly. 

        Am I being reborn? 

            If so, may it never happen to me again. 

                What kind of hell is this? 

                    I reeled and willed myself out of my bed, 

                          out of my room, 

                            out of my house! 

                            My voice ripped itself from its chords 

                            while it wailed and 

                        rippled in chords 

                     not meant for human throats, 

               but my body did not care, 

          my mind did not care. 

      I raced away as fast 

as I could 

                                                                for all I wanted was to get away.

And then I froze in my stride. 




Something held me in place,              something sticky, 



I could not see where it originated from, 

but I could see where I was at that moment. 

I could see the shattered shape before me 

just as my reality shattered all around 

everything I knew. 

The screen had been cracked — 

                                                                                         it had escaped

That was its plan all along 

and I had fallen into its web 

of lies and deceit, 

                                                                     its trap, 

but a moment of calm swept over me, 

a mere moment 

as I realized that I was not its primary target, 

its prey of choice. 

O — dear reader,                              how I tried to warn you. 

                              That                  broken glass, 

                                          lightning                cracks          across 

                                   pixels of infinite           potential gave   it      a way, 

                      gave         it           a   gate,                 gave it                a means 

to              get to you.                             Eight legs, 

                              far too                 many eyes,                      one intent, 

                                              and a million ways 





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