Flaws & Potential

Without you, it all seems impossible;

without you, the pieces don’t mean a thing.

The emptiness is colder,

the darkness is deeper,

the echoing pain is resounding

without you by my side.

Like the sand of a desolate beach,

the tides take me away

piece by insignificant piece,

eventually leaving behind

all that I deserve:

falling sands through broken hands.


It’s been a long detour

to somewhere else,

hopefully someplace further along.

I’d hate to have fallen back

to a place worse than before,

or worse yet, lost on my way back

to wherever I was going.


Your thoughts and prayers

can’t stop the bleeding;

the wounds are seething;

the poison is leading the way

with your thoughts and prayers,

answered with silence and gunshots.

‘Oh well — whatever,

nevermind,’ said the shotgun

to the dead.


I lost myself to the look in your eyes.

I can hear the animals talking,

but they’re not talking to me.


I drive down the rainy road,

driving in cars, serrated by our faults.

The slings and arrows of life,

tightening the mortal coil —

what struggles we must endure

to lead a life of new beginnings?


It all seems impossible to me:

we have all agreed

to accept a greed.

When helping one another

is turned into a crime,

it’s no surprise that we crucified

the Christ.


The beautiful, golden sunrise,

the smokey mountain tops,

the windswept plains —

sights I’ve never seen,

but I just want to go home.

The few upon the sagebrush,

the rabbits, deer, and ground squirrels

playfully roaming about —

but it’s like the hawks I wish to be

and I just want to go home.

The endless skies and limitless clouds,

the thunderous pitter-patter of rain

on a thirsty summer ground —

a flurry of smells beyond description —

but I just want to go home.


We lay and felt like the stars

that hung above us —

glimmering and small,

yet powerful and aged;

the wisdom of the cosmos

upon our finger tips

and swimming in our eyes.


We must have the strength

to stand above the crowd

and hold our own;

to throw over the tables,

the pens, the papers,

and simply be the poem.


Why did I try to kill myself before?

I wanted to destroy something beautiful.


I hope to blow across you memories

like a cool summer breeze.


Fairness is not doing the same thing to all sides;

fairness is doing what is needed to all sides.


My motivation

is the potential to fail:

the more flaws,

the more potential

to become something more.


There’s none so blind

as those who refuse to see.


Only children and fools

will tell the honest truth

to anyone and everyone. 


Freud was the reptile;

Maslow, the desire;

Pavlov was the machine;

Jung, the shadow.


I may be demented and sad,

but I still long to be social.

Want to get some coffee?


A closed fist holds no water.


Only one is a wanderer;

two is always going somewhere.


If Yeshua is the only begotten son

of Elohim,

what does that make us?


Hands open to the sky,

shaking and waving at the clouds —

pounding upon the ceilings,

telling the gods to keep it down;

I need to get some sleep.


I see a better world coming,

but I want to be a part of it. 

I don’t know if I can,

or worse,



God is a Tachyon.


Without the past, where is the guilt?

Without the future, where is the dread?

Without guilt and dread what are we?




are nothing more

than mobile decorations

and most people get them for the same reason:

to impress others.


Shine a light

upon an unknown corner

and discover a house of knowledge

at your nose.


Food can wait;

inspiration cannot.


I have seen enough

for I see my lady;

I see my love 


Here we stand,

tracing our futures in the dark

as the world shouts

that we’ll never last.


The stars are on fire,

burning away the DNA

of the Universe 


On the bright side of being hell-bent,

but I still can’t think straight.


Keep your friends rich

and your enemies richer,

and wait to find out

who is really who.


All you have is all I need,

and what I have is your love.

I will see you soon, in time,

and I will be one with you.


Courage is loving

what Death can easily touch;

can easily take away

on a whim.

What a fearful thing

to love what love can tear away.


If you have ever loved me,

please have mercy,

for I have none for myself.


Hear my cry,

I am trying to move a mountain

without permission.


I love the way

you burn yourself all away,

leaving nothing behind.


Feed the wound

and get in line,

see how far

it takes you out.


Polls closing like caskets,

a silent play in the shadow of power.

Sitting on a carpet

in the basement of Heaven.

Why can I still feel you

when you’re not with me?


1:25 am

I cannot sleep

Music is playing

but I do not know

any of the songs.

It’s the end of the world

and I just don’t care.


It’s a real bitch

convincing people

to like you.


Ever notice how hard it is

to describe a good person

and how simple it is

to conceive a bad one?


A blast of silence

erupts in my head,


my reality.


Because no one changes

until the pain 

of remaining the same

becomes unbearable.


Dreaming in all sorts of colors;

dreaming only in red.


Always home, yet so far away,

like a misplaced word, misspoken

time and time again;

nothing is ever said — such a waste.


We had been surprised into power;

surprised into leadership;

thrust into a destiny we never had;

a fate of unknown want.



is that the thunder

off in the distance?

No — it is the people

clearing their throats!


Shiny like a new dime

in a grimey downtown rain,

the Moon shone brightly, 

like a hole punched in the night.

As lovely as the days of Summer are long.

I’m a stranger here

just like you.

We built this tragedy,

stone by stone,

back in a simpler time.

Born straight into

the sacrificial pit of life.


‘Give me convenience

or give me Death!’

roared the crowds.

‘As you wish,’

whispered the angels below.


Dogs speak Latin;

Cats speak French;

Pigs speak British English;

Ravens speak Russian;

it’s a fact.


The glass isn’t half-full,

or half-empty for that matter;

we just stopped paying attention

and stopped pouring in.


I had started alone,

towards a destination.

People kept joining,

and it became a caravan.


I tried to drown my demons

but they learned how to swim.


Arrived at Santiam.

Saw someone I knew.

Thought things would be getting brighter

being so close to the end,

but convictions,

like faith,

require no logic to insight hate.


I’ll defy your defiance

for it’s all lies in your alliance.

I’ll break it down, this burden,

I’ll show what it means to be human.


Tough guys, they show themselves to be,

watch them scatter at the rumor of your name.

The best of the best they portray,

see them squirm like roaches when you defy.


Kem Byt?

Who will I become

when the new day arrives?

The father I used to be,

or a newer person;

kinder, compassionate, understanding?

Will I be a better partner

to the one I love;

being or light and forgiveness,

but most of all, love?

I choose to change

into something better,

there is no question to be asked,

only actions to be taken.


I feel like


                                            on every




All these feelings

written down on a poisoned letter;

I don’t know what it means

when I go, then I stay,

and I go and I stay,

just to go away again.

Sometimes my heart can’t stay in one place.

I have to go out and see the world

and all it has to show.


Alice in Chains

is not a band;

it is a mood.


Here we are,

strewn across

the Desert of Time.


Is it any wonder that I’ll reject you first?


We’re all just taxi cabs

travelling across the Desert of Time,

picking up passengers

and leaving others behind.


I am in training

to be nobody




Let the twelve hour countdown begin…

Let the worst vacation end.

No one is going to believe what happened

to my ticket.

Food sucked at first

and at the end;

lodging was cold;

customer service was non-existent;

don’t even get me started

on the front desk staff.

Half a star out of one hundred.

Yes, there’s been far worse things,

but still, I expected more,

instead of the conspiracy

I wish wasn’t true.

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