Ticker Tape

Ticker Tape I

                                    A starving street urchin.

There was so much screaming, I’ve never                             heard a man scream so much.

I took this worse than losing Pluto as a                                             planet: planetoid-rage.

Firstly, I appreciate my fans, my wife, and                                                             my girlfriend.

He’s an escape artist. Sorta. Maybe it’s all                     just good time management skills.

Would you get that arm out of your                                                                             mouth?

It’s a little harder to get human drug testing                                   approved, but electrocuting                                         them is alright; thanks to                                                 me, there’s a number                                                            of New Yorkers                                              who are deathly afraid                                                                              of blue                                                                             squares.

Where would you be without me?

Ticker Tape II

Mistaken for a rabbi.

                                The Montreal Screwjob.

                                What is the worst problem                                 about driving a lift? Picking                                 people up.

Forget the Atkins Diet, this is the             Clockwork             Orange                                 Diet!

Letting the bear lick his toes 

        and using small green snakes 

        to clean saliva from wind instruments, 

        though they are not as absorbent, 

        they make a great squeegee.

                                                Lying like a rug.

No damage had been done 

                            to the rare manuscripts, 

                            or the medium rare ones.

The python isn’t really massaging anyone — 











                    to make a quilt; 

                                            toes in your nose and                                             four to a bed.

                Hit yourself until you pass out. 

It was a very healthy 

                            second degree burn.

Feminism comes in many forms.

                                        Show me all of them!

Ticker Tape III

Kitten purr-fume?

            A mix between a newborn baby and a             freshly baked loaf of bread.

                                                        Cats smell like pee.

I wonder what it would be like to have my                                                     nipples ripped off?

We are going to, in our own way, get very real.

                                                David’s glutes make 

                                                me eager to start; 

                                                they make my brain 

                                                and my abs so sore.

Aren’t you going to ask me why?

Ticker Tape IV

Wrestling is fake, but so are the movies.

Studded tires on bare pavement: the                     mantra of defeat.

Weaken environmental protection laws. 

                Sure, you’ve seen Jaws — 

                there was a lot of blood.

Good GOD — your eye is in the middle                                         of your cheek!

            Maybe we shouldn’t have weakened                     those environmental protection                             laws.

Mind over 

            matter, matter over MIND; 

                                    croutons and protons — 

                                   the name of my unwritten 


            If you folks work together, I’ll quit             right now: three right there and one             over here — but everyone knows             three can keep a secret, 





Ticker Tape V

Listen                       to                       this:

Time passed     like a kidney stone.

He spends    hours      on the phone 

c    o    m    p    l    a    i    n    i    n    g 

about    how    he    has   no money.

            Were you 

                    trying to 

                            get my attention? 

                            Is that 

                                    the ripped 


From there to New Guinea —                                                         consolidations.

You know how I work;

                                                I’m coming for you;

Calm down, there’s no need for that.

                                                You started it, dum-dum.

Look at the epiphany on his face.

                                                Throw him in the water — 

                                                make him drown!

                                    It may seem, though, 

                                    at times, that he may 

                                    come from a place that’s 

                                    less than stellar.

Those are pretty broad.

The most dangerous words in politics are 

                                            ‘I BELIEVE.’

Let me ascertain my blue language.

                                        Boy this is hard work.

                    Lost in the D.o.C.Âą blackhole, I 

                    want to keep this brief in the 

                    interests of time: 

                    shit fire and save matches.

                                                     I see the potential.

Talk to you later.

Ticker Tape VI

Master                                 of Magnetics:

                            I’d like to do a sci-fi.

                            Get more people in here,

                            the Librarian is coming.

You will see your shortcomings and I                     would hate to see that;

                        a stigma to overcome;

                        a rubber-stamped life.

Here’s what I’m hearing:

                            I’m like clear soda, albeit an                                                 ugly bearded siren.

                            Her favorite drink 

                                was a Molotov 






                                                                I can be so 



Ticker Tape VII

I actually do speak English;


No — that OTHER word.


Out here, every line is a male line.

You see what I mean?

The English have everything in common with Americans, except for the language.

It’s been great being here.

Ticker Tape VIII

I’ve forgotten how to speak it.

We used to pass things on through oral tradition,

then we learned how to read and write.

Created what we are.

So make a list of things you can do without,

because the written word will be the destruction of mankind.

I’ve had this conversation before….

Ticker Tape IX

Guys — break’s over.

                                                Break’s over.












It’s just what you do when you want it.

So I punched my muse and she died;

                                        totally overreacted.

—E-scape goat!—

Ticker Tape X

Good morning, what are you doing?

Be yourselves, I love you like that.         

Don’t worry, she gives her readers             

permission to feel…better.                               

Because I don’t want to be                                

fucking tough as nails!                       

Can I just hug you?              

Baby, always maintain your silhouette.     

Well, this is it,

I love ya.   


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