Riddle Me This

All Earth was but one thought
and that was Death.’

Lord Byron

Stop fighting…no, stop at once,’ spoke the guard                                    

                with a lazy and careless air 

                                    in his tone; almost like a 

                                    yawn rather than a 

                                    command; sardonic and 

                                    neutral, verging on the 

                                    brink of indifference. 

Stop fighting, or I will spray you,’ he continued.

                    The perpetrator paused 

                            for a moment, 

                            the briefest of moments 

                            that seemed to go on forever; 

                            everything hung 

                            on that moment, 


                                                on the words 


                                                            the guard, 

                    as if he             had spoken             in         an alien         and inhuman         language.


ME THEN, BITCH!’   replied the 

invalid,    every syllable     laced      with 

venom     as he returned    to the    beat 

down     he was    sending towards   his 

        much                 smaller                 prey.


            was all the guard said, 

                his tone still the same, 

                    yet somehow it was colder, darker,                   HOLLOW, unhallowed

                            undeniably evil 

                                from a time 



                        gods and demons. 

                    Something had changed, 

                    something in his eyes, 

                        in his swagger, 

                        in the very way 

                                    he stood his ground, 

                though he had not moved an inch 

                from before, 

                                        I felt all of reality shift, 

                                            ever so slightly, 

                                        into the horrific

                                        the subtlety of the shift 







        and despicable; 

                                like a thousand needles 

                            piercing into your dying                                                                     heart, 

                                            one by 

                                            one by 


With     the same calm demeanor, the guard reached     down and unbottoned his holster,     opening the cage of his weapon. Everyone     who wasn’t involved in the altercation     promptly stepped away with urgent     haste, many covered their faces, preparing themselves     for the oncoming onslaught overcast     cloud of pepper-hell.

Yet before     anyone had fully reacted, another shift     had occurred: a sinister pulse that     came crashing down like a                                 tidal wave of sick and bile, 

                                and disgust and ugliness, 

                                and everything else we hide 

                                away from ourselves.

                                                           With an unreal 

                                                        show of 

                                                    quickness, the 

                                                guard raised and 

                                            aimed his weapon: a 

                                        fully automatic 

                                    submachine gun — 

                                a PP-19 Bizon to be precise. 

                Where it came from,                                 no one knew for sure,                         and everyone can attest,                                     it definitely wasn’t there to begin with,                         in any shape or                                             form.

The poor         soul of the     aggressive inmate did 

    not                 know what             hit him. With a simple 

            squeeze, and I         swear to whatever God or 

gods                 there may be, a     flash of a             twisted 

smile, the                 guard unloaded                                                     what felt like a 

                    never-ending                                         stream of leaden thunder; 

                                        filling the inmate with so                             much lead that it 

                    replaced iron 

                                as the                             primary metal in his 

                                        now lifeless body.




                         another and another — 

            sometimes it sounded 

            like everything doubled, 





sounds on sounds, 

                        shots on shots, 

                                            bullets on bullets; 

            an unnecessary 


            of carnage and gore; 



                                            flesh, and sinew 

                                                                all turned 

                                                                into vicera.

Then as suddenly as it began, 

everything dropped silent; 

dropped like the inmate’s corpse; 

dropped like an uncomfortable topic, 

save for the repeated click-click-clicking 

noise of the empty gun magazine. 

Smoke and sulfur filled the immediate area.

                                    Opposite from where the 

                                    guard stood,                     the 

                                    inmate’s remains             lay, 

                                    riddled with                      so 

                                    many holes                       that 

                                    nothing               recognizable remained of the front of his face and chest.

I told him I was going to spray,’ 

                                        the guard began to say, 

                                        his voice still 

                                        in that disturbingly 

                                            NEUTRAL tone, 

                                            yet just 




                                                            I sensed a 

                                                sickening joy 

                                        in his words. 

His face was blank, but there, on the 

corners     of his mouth, I could see     a 

sliver of         a smile. Everyone        stood like 

statues,                                                   distraught 

from what had just occurred. 

                        The firearm mysteriously 

                        vanished as quickly as it had 


                                          ‘Guess he was expecting mace….



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