From the End to the Beginning

The barrel of the gun pressed against my temple, 

its smooth, yet rough surface

caressed and                  gently

pushed my   skin apart, 


to cut;      to 

bleed; to spill 

                                         my life force upon the concrete

                                         floor below. I could feel the air







only to regather; 

to coalesce; 

to return together in a 

                       claustrophobic             atmosphere 

                      of constricting               and impending 

                      doom; the ever               present 

                                          call of Death, 

                                         the fat woman 

who cries and sings and wails, 

                                          echoing throughout all eternity

          and the infinite beyond 

 of whatever is beyond.

The darkness 

                        was absolutely suffocating; 



forcing my eyes to see 

                       brilliant stars 

                                 upon the distorted lenses of my eyes,

    but that could be due to the 

                             head trauma I had received: 





















                       crashing into a plasmatic blob 

                of comprehension and passing moments 

     that could only be described as a line of time; 

         a timeline; a timescape; 



                                and lost 



                    A supernova of brilliance   exploded briefly,

                    sulfur ignited; steel on steel on lead; a chain

                    of chemical reactions as         complex as the

                    inner-workings      of a star, ending with the

                    miraculously simple:               heat and light.

                    I             could feel the bullet twist and turn,

                    tumbling    down     its chosen path with an

                    unbearably slow quickness; the movements

                    between breaths;        those endlessly frozen

                    moments where it all  begins to make sense;

                    to hold some    kind of meaning; some kind

                    of purpose and understanding;    and when

                    it all becomes comprehensible,   it vanishes,

                    it passes by an infinite         amount of times

                    between a single blink of an                      eye.

                                           All those shotgun weddings 

                                          and machine gun celebrations; 

                                          bombastic birthdays 

                                          and atomic alarm clocks — 

                                                               they came to mean 

                                        nothing, zero, zip, zilch, nada —

                            as hollow(d) as the ‘o’ in God, 

yet in that moment I found God, 

found Her sleeping, 


                                           forever dreaming, 

                                           all of Her hopes,

                                           ambitions, and fears, 

                                           only to be lost to me 

                                           as I released my dying breath.

I          could              feel 

                                              the                         bullet, 

                that              pebble            of                lead, 

                    pressing      up      against        my        skull; 

      boring                    down, 

               atom                         by                     atom, 

  through            my                   layers       of              skin, 

sundering                                                                      them; 

                                                  peeling                          them; 

rupturing                         them           in            a           

                                violent             collision            of     

                          inorganic                       and                    


                      living      and                  nonliving; 

         grey matter           and            gray matter;  the        sweat          evaporating    upon        the       surface; 

                   hairs                           swaying, 



                                                       falling down, 

                                          blown away from ground zero.

The hot meteor                              melted through the 

thin, fleshy surface,                              cracking to the 

calcium bedrock of                                my head, 

collapsing their caverns                           and intricate 

formations; dissolving                         fault lines, 

executing mind-quakes,                    rippling through

 my earth, my world,                        sending universal 

                devastation on               a microcosmic scale.

                  Tidal waves of blood and flesh; 

                  skin and bones, 

                                   raced across the burnt surface, 

                                away from the center of impact; 

                 nerve endings sending their signals at light 

                                                            speed to the brain; 

                               telling it that something is wrong; 

      registering the cause to be a dark pearl of doom: 



                                                                 and round 

                                                        like a tear of oil.

Those            hairs            still left   standing 

began to                      singe      and        burn 

as         the            explosive                     gases 

continued                                      to   expand 

their                                                   threshold

of                                     impending   finality 

through                    the                               air,

all                                                   culminating 

to the             simplistic                     purpose

of      cutting           me                           down

in    a      micron                        of an instant; 

pulverizing                     the                       core

into                                               nothingness,

but   this   is   all   just   a   small              fact 

                                  and all is to be doubted. 

Every breath between then and now, 

                                              was and is 



Ever have one of those moments 

after waking up from an extendedly long sleep 

to find yourself unable to recall 

how you got somewhere, 

just like the very place you were now waking from? 

That’s about how I feel right now.

            It all comes down to this simple fact: 

            no one knows anything; 

                who was involved, 

            let alone how I was involved in all of it; 

            how they got here, 

                or more importantly — 

            how I got here, 

            but it’s not all hopeless; 

            granted it’s not true hope; 

                true hope is swift and flies on shallow wings: 

            I have my breath and, 

                for the time being, 

            my life.

I’m sure you have a lot of questions, 

                                                                                    I do too; 

I don’t really remember much from before waking up

                                                    only moments ago. 

Dreams are unreliable and inconsistent, 

                                              but they are buried in truth. 

I don’t even know where I got all of these bruises 

                            and cuts from; 

                    the unmistakable language of injury 

written in the script of scar tissue and stitches, 

disfigured flesh and the tell-tale signs of something 

                                        lost and something gained; 

a heavy piece paid for the valueless marks of                                                             experience.

Where are we now? 

                     Well, we are now here. 

                                                 Where’s here? 


but the sign above me does say ‘Seattle,’ 

yet even that may not be entirely true 

because it is raining heavily: 

giant     globs of     water from     that one     movie the     hero with     one-liners     does battle in a     city filled with     clones of his     nemesis;             splashes of water exploding             on the     ground, on the     signs, on the         light posts, on         my face and                     shoulders — just                         everywhere                                                         to be honest.

Point is, this Seattle-not Seattle     has become my new

home.   I stepped off the interstate and into a drainage

ditch,   the runoff waters flowing like a torrent of inky

refuse and assorted scum;       a river of all those things

given up, thrown away,               or rightfully lost — an

appropriate place for me;       and everyone knows that

the bigger the river, the bigger the drought.  This river

is growing                                                       rather rapidly.

In the distance, 

                I see the city lights, 

                reminding me that 

                I am not alone in the world, 

                yet it makes me wonder 

                            what a nice place like this is doing 

                around a person like me? 

                                               The world may never know; 

                                                I may never know. 

                What I do know 

                            is that there’s a nagging feeling 

                                                  deep down inside me, 

            pulling me towards the sprawling metropolis; 

an aphid attraction, 

           fighting all or my training and logic centers; 

                                                yelling and shouting at me; 

                                   urging me on, 

             practically begging me to go on forward 

      to the promise of answers 

and closure to all of the open doors 

                                       and black holes of my memory.


                  It’s a cold and wet afternoon. 

                            I managed to find myself a room 

                                          with the credits I had, 

                               unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, 

                    the place was right off the interstate, 

          but things could be worse.

Upon arriving here,  

                       I found myself lost within the pages 

                                     and words and margins of a book 

              so full of death, that I couldn’t look away; 

        I found myself being drawn in, 

 drawn along, 

                                  twisting and turning 

                                               through the dark corridors 

                          and hallways of the nameless black 

             of the ink and words, 

     deciphering the concepts of why we all die alone.


the clouds mumbled something obscene; 

                                                     the sky was bruised, 

                                        some wine was bled, 

                                 and I dozed off.

                                               And so on I read 

                                                   until the day was done, 

                                       yet far from finished, 

                          let alone over. 

           The things I had with me were strewn 

       all over this meek and bare room.

                             Data trails,                like fingernails,                                       scratched their way                                                     along the walls and sky;                                                                              satellites watching                                                 everything you do;                                             everything I do,                                             but I don’t                                          even know what I’m doing.

I see so many guns; 

so much ammunition in my possession — what am I?

                                                          Some kind of Hitman?





            So much happening, 

                though I never planned on this. 

                                  Am I losing control? 

                                        I must admit, 

                         I’m not used to this, 

                    but I don’t think I can stop; 

         swallow it down;             

                                 keep it bottled up inside; 

                     I must move on; 

                                     this city needs me, 

                                       or maybe it’s I who needs it, 

                    more than anything else?

                                 I feel like Icarus 

                 right before his fate-filled flight; 

      I refuse to call it ‘fateful,’ but that’s another 

               story; how foolishly proud he must 

                       have been, rising up like the 

                                     tide upon the 



breaking through 

the oyster grey clouds, 

                  and reaching 

                                    towards the sun; 

                                                      reaching out, 

                                                               not just to meet it, 

                                       nor to touch it, 

                                       but to grasp it; 

                                       to capture it; 

                                       to embrace it; 

                                       to enslave it — 

                                       to be empowered by it.

It all comes down to this: 

               I know I’m different, 

               all these weapons around me feel like

              extensions of my own body, 

              my own soul, 

              all waiting for a light 

                            that never comes 

           to showcase their abilities, and so they wait.

                                                                  But I cannot.

My past may be gone, 

                                     but not without my reach. 

                                    Those who did this to me 

                                           will not get away, 

                                           not for much longer. 

Emotions that I cannot explain 

                                   cut through me like a sickle, 

                                           dripping with vengeance 

                                                         and anger, 

                                                 and whatever else 

                                a scorned soldier might feel….


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