Panta Rhei

Once there was a fish 

who lived in a vast 

and near-endless ocean, 

and because the water 

was clean and clear, 

and always flowed past his nose 

when he moved around, 

he never knew that he was in the ocean. 

Well one day, 

the fish did a very curious thing 

and began to think:

Surely I am a most remarkable being 

since I can move around like so 

in all of this empty space

the fish thought to himself. 

Suddenly, the fish began to grow confused 

because he started to think 

about what parts of its body 

it needed to move 

in order to continue travelling. 

And then he had a scary feeling 

and began to wonder 






to move.

At that moment, 

he looked down below himself 

and saw a great 

    Y   A   W   N   I   N   G    C   H   A   S   M 

on the ocean floor 

and grew terrified 







                But then he thought, 

if I could catch my tail in my mouth, 

I could hold myself up

And so he twisted 

and curled, 

trying really hard 

to grab a hold of his tail. 


he was not quite flexible enough, 

so he kept on missing. 

Yet he kept on trying 

to catch his tail 

while watching the 

                                      B   L   A   C   K 

                                        A   B   Y   S    S 

                                        B   E    L    O   W

becoming even more terrible than before, and it made the fish very nervous.

When the fish 




and about to give up, 

the Great Ocean, 

who had been watching 

the little fish swim, 

then struggle, 

with a mix of pity 

and amusement asked, 

‘What are you doing?’

‘Oh – who? Me?’ replied the fish 

as he looked around 

for the source of the voice. 

‘I’m scared of falling down 

into that deep and dark abyss, 

and I’m trying to grab 

my tail so that I can hold myself up.’

‘Well, you have been doing that 

for a long time now 

and you still haven’t fallen down. 

How come?’


well of course 

I haven’t fallen down 


the fish insisted, ‘because…


I’m…                                                            ummm…’

‘Swimming?’ said the Great Ocean.

‘Yes, swimming!’ the fish shouted 


but then something else occurred 

to the little fish. 

                    ‘Who             are             you?’

‘I am the Great Ocean 

in which you live and 

move and are able to 

be a fish, and I have 

given all of myself for 

you to swim in, and I 

have always supported 

you while you swim. 

But here you are, instead 

of exploring the length, 

breadth, depth, and height 

of my expanse, you spend 

your time pursuing your own 


The fish thought about 

this for some time, 

when he realized 

he had begun to actually swim again 

without thinking about it. 

And he put his tail behind him, 

                                                 where it belonged, 

and set out to explore 

the Great Ocean freely, 

without ever being afraid.

‘Panta rhei, little fish,’ 

said the Great Ocean, 

‘everything flows, 

so just keep swimming. 

Just keep swimming.’



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